jueves, 24 de diciembre de 2015

All I want for Christmas

Quiero regalos. Quiero buena salud. Quiero un novio buenorro. Quiero que mi familia y amigos sean felices.
Pero este año, más que nunca, lo que de verdad me hace una mujer dichosa y cómoda en su cuerpo curvilíneo  esta Nochebuena es el jamón.

I don’t want a lot for Christmas, there is just one thing I need.
I don’t care about the presents, it’s all about the Christmas feed.
It’s Christmas so you know that means; I’ve locked away my skinny jeans.
So what more can we do? All I want for Christmas is food.

I don’t want a lot for Christmas, there is just one thing I need.
And it’s bread and crisps and chocolates, don’t feed me no leaves or seed.
Cause I won’t leave no cake or cookies for Santa on the fireplace,
I want all the cake and cookies shuffled right inside my face.
Cause I know at this time of year I’ll drink so much wine and beer,
but after all that booze all I want for Christmas is food.

Oh, I wont ask for much this Christmas, no fancy bags or useless shoes.
A sack that’s full of salty snacks will make my Christmas dreams come true.
Cause  all year round I’m semi healthy   to look  good when I hit the town,
but I don’t need likes on my selfie , it’s Christmas so I’m chowing down.
And if you feel you’re getting plumper hide it with a Christmas jumper.
What more can I chew? All I want for Christmas is food.

Oh, all my clothes are clinging so tightly everywhere,
I should probably eat a salad but I don’t really care.
You wanna see me porky, just feed me ham and turkey.
Santa won’t you bring me the things I really need?
It’s a pizza with extra cheese.

I don’t want a lot for Christmas, this is all I’m asking for.
I just want to eat alone what could  feed a family of four.
I just wanna eat it all and super size, don’t make it small.
Make my wish come true, all I want for Christmas is food.

La Rizos

4 comentarios:

B dijo...

Muy maravilloso. Y encima la chica un encanto.

Gordipé dijo...

Este vídeo es la risión absoluta y MENCANTA XDDDD

aras dijo...

Jajajaja. Me encanta. ¡Buenísimo! Me descojono. Y la chica canta muy bien, la verdad.

Sil dijo...

Pues yo estoy sufriendo, que en dos meses he recuperado peso Y NO PUEDE SER. La semana que viene retomo entrenes.

Y ya.

Perdón, no quería amargarle la fiesta gastronómica a nadie, jaja...

¡Besos, rizosa!